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Welcome to

We aim to create a social network that connects people through their unique skill sets, provides advertising for companies, promotes events, and finds unique opportunities wherever you go. 

The new social platform to create your network

Create a network with your neighbors

Discover Weez'O

City View

Our World

$ 745 Billion

Global advertising expenses in 2022

302 Million

User of social network in the USA in 2022

33 +


Companies in the USA in 2022 

2 hours 14 mn

Average time spent by American on social network per day

Grow Your Network

“It is not what you know that matters but who you know”

Like our concept?

We need YOU!

We need the help of generous investors like you to make our app become a reality. If you believe in the unique skills of every individual and the necessity to create a reliable network based on location, click the bottom below to contact us!

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